To serve all who come to us in need.


To become a charity of choice for those who wish to feed the hungry in the County of Elgin.  

“Charity of Choice Ensures Our Financial Future”



Like many food banks in Canada, St Thomas Elgin Food Bank opened in 1986 during the recession.

A group of concerned citizens, noting the rising unemployment within St. Thomas and Elgin County, contacted local churches to form a steering committee to discuss the feasibility of opening a food bank. What began in 1986 as a temporary measure to assist individuals and families, who found themselves unemployed, has continued to this day.

The food bank started in the basement of the local YWCA and quickly outgrew those premises.

In 1990 the food bank moved to 2 Curtis Street which we quickly outgrew.  In 1996 the food bank relocated to 10 St. George St. and in August 2009 relocated to 803 Talbot Street.   In January 2021, the food bank relocated to 24 John Street, which is now our permanent location.

The organization is operated by a volunteer Board of Directors currently consisting of 7 members who represent a cross section of the community.  We are a non-profit organization and a registered charity with Revenue Canada. (CRA # 823668587)

We have become incorporated during the past year and to comply with more stringent government regulations, we had to choose a name which was more reflective of our exact community service that we provide, and the geographical area that we serve. Our operation in our new location 24 John Street, has not changed in any way, as we continue the same function and service.